15. 1. 2024, superadmin

We invite you to the exhibition, which will take place from 6 to 19 February 2024 in the Opatov branch.

Exhibition / Foyer of Artotheque

„It is easy to judge violence. It needs courage to stand against institutional power. Nevertheless, going through the authority of grandma’s love – that’s the challenge!“
(Václav Magid, The Little History of Impropriety, p 87, 2019)

Grandmothers and grandfathers, family experiences and memories. All of us do periodically stand against mothers and fathers but how should we deal with our grandmas and grandpas?

Three Drawers follow the previous series of textile based exhibitions at Artotheque. The exhibition sees textile as material which bears memory, is sewed by experience and allows it to be again altered, sewed through by other experiences. At the exhibition textile goes through and reaches into other forms like drawings, photos or texts.

The exhibition works with the memory of three different families. Collaboration with Jelena Kovačev and Karolina Chasáková.

Seiko Hihara: https://seikohihara.com/